Participation on HACK Startup Village’22

Nos días 21-22 de outubro realizouse o evento europeo en liña HACK Startup Village’22 organizado polo  AgriFood Lituania. No evento presentáronse propostas innovadoras para a atracción de startups a nivel rexional ou para resolver desafíos do sector agroalimentario. O grupo FoodChemPack lanzou un desafío relacionado co proxecto VALICET (Prima): “An ICT tool to connect producers, retailers and consumers: The VallCET project approach”.

As investigadoras do grupo FoodChemPack, Raquel Sendón e Letricia Barbosa Pereira participaron como mentoras dos equipos de traballo na preparación das propostas.

Best poster presentation Award at Polyphenols 2022

During the 15th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications which was held on September 28-30, 2022 at ADEIT ‘Fundación Universitat’, Valencia, Spain, Sandra Mariño-Cortegoso, a FoodChemPack PhD student received the best poster award for her contribution “Recovery of Bioactive Compounds From Lime and Lemon By-Products Through Sustainable Methodologies”.

This work is a part of the research project VALICET focuses on the valorization of fruit by-products using green extraction technologies for future approaches in the application of fruit by-products as food ingredients and additives through the recovery of added-value compounds. Future work will be done on the encapsulation of the bioactive compounds to develop ingredients, edible and active packaging and coatings to extend food shelf-life.